Writing this is one of those “don’t do as I do” moments. It is difficult for me to turn away from work. But I’m leaving on vacation soon and am feeling the need for a break! I encourage everyone need to help yourself and your employees disengage and avoid burnout.
I wrote a blog recently encouraging vacations, but it’s one thing to take time off (and/or encourage staff to do the same) and another to really get away mentally, regardless of physical location.
When you go on vacation, do you plan and expect to leave work behind while you’re gone? Or is part of your time off centered around when you can check in and squeeze in meetings that are vital or require decisions you’ll need to make? Do you expect your employees to handle their time off in the same way?
We need to remember that we do set examples to our staff even when that’s not our intention. If you can’t completely break away, that’s one thing. But do you expect your staff to do the same? Even if you encourage them not to respond/check emails while out, is there a subliminal message telling them that that’s not really what you want/need?
With stress and mental health issues affecting so many people, we need to be aware of what we’re adding to the pile. While technology is great and affords us lots of opportunities, it also makes it easier to be “available” 24/7. We have got to learn to take breaks from that and expect our staff to also take that time away.
I find it harder then ever to turn off at night, but I’m realizing how important that truly is. We need to remember to recharge ourselves periodically and recognize that our staff needs to do the same. If you must bring in help while someone is out, then do so. Don’t expect them to split their time off through periodic check ins. Establish a culture that allows for vacations to be true breaks from work.
I’m one of those strange individuals who enjoys running. I’ve participated in marathons and, ironically, typically the training for me becomes more difficult in the end as I taper. I run fewer miles as the event gets closer to allow my body to “regroup” and be energized for the event. I find it hard not to go out for longer as the event gets closer. That “break” in running, makes me that much more eager to get out there for the event. The same principle is true for vacations/work. If I never truly stop working, I never get a chance to “miss” fulfilling my role.
By using vacation time to truly stop working, you’re more likely to help your staff and you avoid burnout and come back energized to work.