Why do managers need to consider kindness in working with employees? Of course, we should all treat each other with respect and professionalism in business, but where does kindness come into play?
I recently read some stories that reminded me how much of a difference we can make in people’s days/lives if we reach out with kindness. One story was about was about a Halloween display that touched the life of a cancer patient. Although not the original intent, when the homeowners found out about the effect, they then intentionally celebrated the individual, resulting in feel good moments for all involved.
Another story was about mothers paying it forward by leaving gift cards in diaper boxes to encourage other mothers to treat themselves to something special.
Neither of these stories were about managers and employees, but I realized we often need to make more of an effort to reach out to each other with encouraging words and actions as a show of support. Thinking back over your career, various moments of kindness and caring shown by your managers/leaders probably do tend to stand out.
What have you done as a manager to remind your staff that you see them as individuals and understand at least some of their struggles and concerns? How have you shown your support?
We can all use encouraging words these days, and often very small acts of caring (such as bringing in treats, helping with more difficult tasks that don’t typically require your attention, leaving cards/notes with encouraging messages) can make a difference in someone’s day.
Look around at the people on your team. What acts of kindness can you do to show you care? It’s a good thing to do and likely you’ll be positively affected almost as much as your team.